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There are two ways how you can interact with Weaviate:

  1. By using the GraphQL or RESTful API directly.
  2. By using one of the available client libraries.

Client examples in the documentation

Weaviate examples in the documentation are always shown in a handy accordion menu.

The following example show you how you can get the Weaviate schema using different clients.

{% include code/1.x/schema.dump.html %}

Native vs GraphQL queries

When querying Weaviate you can choose to write your queries in GraphQL and send the raw GraphQL query to Weaviate or you can write the query natively to the client language you are using.

For example:

import weaviate

client = weaviate.Client("http://localhost:8080")

result = client.query.get("Article", ["title", "url", "wordCount"]).do()


Yields the same result as:

import weaviate

client = weaviate.Client("http://localhost:8080")

query = """
Get {
Article {

result = client.query.raw(query)



Clients have their own installation pages per language.

Currently Weaviate supports:

  • Python
  • Javascript
  • Go
  • Java
  • Do you want to contribute one? Please let us know on our [Slack]({{ site.slack_signup_url }})


Weaviate clients are an easy way to connect with your Weaviate instance or cluster through a language of choice. Some users prefer to use a client and others prefer to connect directly with the APIs directly. Both are possible.

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{% include docs-support-links.html %}