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Weaviate development setup


  1. Go
  2. Docker
  3. Docker compose

In order to run local dev env issue:

Start up all dependencies (e.g. modules inference containers) and compile/run Weaviate locally. This script assumes a contextionary-based setup:

Without any modules

This is the simplest setup, it requires no Docker/Docker compose:

tools/dev/ local-no-modules

Without any modules, but with Grafana & Prometheus

This setup is identical to the one above, but it uses Docker & Docker-compose to spin up Prometheus and Grafana instances. Those are pre-confiugred to scrape metrics from Weaviate.

Using this setup, you can

  • access Weaviate on port 8080
  • access Grafana on port 3000 (Login: weaviate/weaviate)
  • if necessary for debugging - access prometheus directly on port 9090
tools/dev/ --prometheus && tools/dev/ local-no-modules

Note: You can also combine some of the below setups with the --prometheus flag on tools/dev/

Note: This setup is only meant for contributors, as it requires a local go runtime. If a user is looking for a Prometheus-Enabled example, you can point them either to the documentation page or straight to the Weaviate examples repo.

With contextionary module

requires Docker & Docker Compose

tools/dev/ && ./tools/dev/

Transformers t2v only

requires Docker & Docker Compose

tools/dev/ --transformers && ./tools/dev/ local-transformers

Contextionary t2v & Transformers QnA

requires Docker & Docker Compose

tools/dev/ --qna && ./tools/dev/ local-qna

The above commands are subject to change as we add more modules and require specific combinations for local testing. You can always inspect the two files to see which options are contained. The first option without any arguments is always guarateed to work.

To make query search use this link for console:

More Resources

{% include docs-support-links.html %}